Sunday 29 November 2015

HUZZAH! Final Vision Project on Place-Based Education FINISHED!

After much toil, I have completed my Final Vision Project for LIBE 477.

This course, and this project, have really helped me to focus my goals—my growth plan—for one major phase of my Teacher-Librarian position. I want to continue with, and build upon, Place-Based Education initiatives in my teaching and team-teaching.

(Building a stronger digital literacy and digital citizenship program around research projects is the second phase to begin focusing on now.)

My project can be accessed here:

1 comment:

  1. Chris! I really enjoyed your Future Vision Project. Choosing haiku deck to relay your information was effective for your project, and engaging. It was nice that you didn't write too much on each slide, but just enough to give the reader ideas to make their own. Have you by any chance heard of the British (or Scottish?) artist named Andy Goldsworthy? He has incredible Nature Art pieces, that are inspiring and can be replicated. I have done a couple nature art lessons, inspired by his works. You can check him out by a simple Google (if you don't already know of him).

    I really liked your strategy of Guided drawing art to teach different concepts. I wish I could go to a pro-D on this. I also really appreciate you teaching your students to value their local environment through focusing on place based education. Have you considered doing a sound walk with your students? Also taking them to urban settings in chilliwack and exploring urban settings is also useful and important for students.
    Thanks so much for sharing your ideas with us. I will definitely consult this project as a resource in the future.
    Take care
